Taizi Port Pavilion / 深圳太子港信息亭


Taizi Port Pavilion

项目位置:深圳 | 中国

The skin of the building acting as the boundary between us and the space, it defining the feeling from us towards space, the skin of the building - such as ceiling, flooring, facade, paving defining the relation between us and the sky, soil and the air. As one of the most public related building in Shekou area we are quite intrigued by this definition of building surface. So we created a building which is one single continuous surface that growing from one strip of landscape, by different treatment this surface created varieties of indoor and outdoor space, as well as all vertical circulations, and through different design of this surface we bring different identification in to the space it created.

建筑包裹着、间隔着我们和空间,界定着我们对空间的感受;建筑表皮 — 立面,天花,地面,景观的地铺,界定着我们和天地、土壤、空气的关系。作为整个蛇口地区一座极富公共性的建筑,我们对这种不同属性的间隔发生了兴趣,于是我们试图将这种不同属性的间隔用一个连续的面来表达,我们的设计由一个连续的面生长而成,它从景观地铺生长到建筑立面,通过推挤围合出室内和室外的正负空间,围合出所有的交通系统,不同的外立面处理手法,带来围合出的空间的通透性从而带来空间变化丰富的属性。