

张睿钊, MMA联合创始人,合伙人

Ruizhao ZHANG, Co-Founder & Design Partner

2018被香港Perspective评选为当年《40 Under 40》40名40岁以下建筑领域的设计新星。

张睿钊先后在伦敦香港多家事务所拥有超过10年工作经验。张睿钊作为主创建筑师曾带领团队参与多个国内国际建筑竞赛,包括杭州城北万象城,横琴万象世界,金湾西部商都,珠海之星规划,KL GATEWAY等获胜并且即将落成的地标项目;在伦敦期间参与联合国科教文组织的建筑研究,参与世界多地可持续房屋的研究;在香港期间参与西九龙文化局建筑设计获优胜奖。


Ruizhao had more than 10 years' experience in London and Hong Kong, Won lots of competition as design leader such as Hangzhou Mix-C, Hengqin Mix-World, Jinwan western shopping mall, KL Gateway,etc. Worked on sustainable design around the world in London, won WKCD competition in Hong Kong.

Ruizhao nominated as 40 under 40 talent architect in 2018 by Perspective.

Ruizhao graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts, and later finished his Master degree in University of Sheffield with Distinction.

汪洋, MMA联合创始人,合伙人

Yang WANG, Co-Founder & Design Partner



汪洋就读于北京交通大学,后于美国宾夕法尼亚大学获得建筑学硕士学位。毕业后曾于香港大学、深圳大学大学任助教及讲师。并多次以导师身份指导华中科技大学、武汉大学、湖南大学、华南理工大学、SCAD HK等院校主办的学术工作营。

Wang Yang has more than 10 years of work experience in well-known international Architectural firms in Hong Kong. With rich design and management experience in TOD, commercial complex, educational and cultural facility, he participated in many world-wide awarded projects such as Hong Kong West Kowloon Railway Station, Dalian 66 Plaza, Zhuhai Shizimen International Convention Center, Jinwan Western Mall, Lanwan Headquarters, Wuhan Binjiang Shimao Plaza, etc.;

Wang Yang has also win a lot of awards in international design competitions, such as Beijing Universal Studios Metro Station, and Kunming OCT Headquarters.

Wang Yang Graduated from Beijing Jiaotong University with bachelor of Architecture, and then he was awarded master of architecture from University of Pennsylvania .

As teaching assistant or lecturer, he participated a lot of workshops or seminars in research and practice from architectural schools including Hong Kong University, Shenzhen University. HUST, Wuhan University, Hunan University, SCUT, SCAD HK, etc.