

MMA中标南山科技园某项目 | MMA Won a headquarter project in Shenzhen Nanshan Sci-tech District.

MMA赢得了深圳南山区科技园某企业总部项目,项目正在保密阶段(效果图并非落地方案),项目详情将在稍后公布 | MMA won a headquarter project in Shenzhen Nanshan Sci-tech district, Project is currently under confidential stage (the rendering is not the final scheme), more information will be announced soon.


2019.11 中标新闻

MMA中标苏州衣之道服装产业园规划和方案设计 | MMA Won Suzhou Azidor group master layout plan project.

MMA赢得了苏州衣之道产业园规划及方案设计,项目将在苏州融入到长三角一体化布局的职能分工之下,项目由两条绸带体量组成,将复杂场地与动感的流动感统筹成为统一的设计语言,赢得了当地政府和业主的信任,场地正在平整,深化设计正在进行 | MMA won the Suzhou Azidor Industrial Park planning and scheme design. The project will be integrated into the Yangtze River Delta integrated layout in Suzhou. The project is composed of two ribbons, which will coordinate the complex site and the dynamic flow Becoming a unified design language has won the trust of the local government and client, the site is being leveled, and deepening design is underway.


2019.01 中标新闻

MMA合伙人Ruizhao ZHANG登上2018年6月的PERSPECTIVE杂志 | Ruizhao ZHANG the Partner of MMA on PERSPECTIVE Magazine 2018.06

MMA合伙人Ruizhao Zhang登上2018年6月期PERSPECTIVE杂志,作为2018年40 UNDER 40奖项得主,杂志介绍了Ruizhao ZHANG职业生涯和相关作品 | Partner of MMA Ruizhao ZHANG appeared on the June 2018 issue of PERSPECTIVE Magazine. As the winner of 40 under 40 2018 PERSPECTIVE introduced Ruizhao with a article with the career and related work of Ruizhao.

2018.06 出版新闻

MMA中标贵阳首钢地块城市设计及商业规划竞赛 | MMA won Guiyang shougang urban design and retail planning competition.

MMA联合华诚博远中标贵阳首钢地块项目,项目包括城市设计,商业规划,红星美凯龙及爱情海大型商场的优化跟立面设计,涉及13个城市地块约540方建筑总面积的规划以及3个地块的概念规划 | MMA and Huacheng Boyuan won the bid for the Guiyang Shougang plot project, which includes urban design, retail planning, optimization and facade design of the Red Star Macalline and Aihai large shopping malls, involving a total construction area of ​​about 5,400,000㎡ in 13 urban plots. Planning and conceptual planning of 3 plots.


2018.07 中标新闻

MMA合伙人Ruizhao ZHANG当选香港2018年度40名40岁以下设计精英奖 | Ruizhao ZHANG the Partner of MMA rewarded 40 UNDER 40 Award of Hong Kong 2018

MMA合伙人Ruizhao Zhang赢得了2018年度40 UNDER 40 建筑领域设计精英大奖,40 UNDER 40 奖项致力于鼓励全世界建筑和室内设计领域顶尖新人,历年得奖设计师包括马岩松,吕庆耀,比约克'.英厄尔斯(BIG)等等 | Partner of MMA Ruizhao ZHANG won 2018 40 under 40 award. The annual 40 Under 40 Awards recognise the generation of talented individuals who will and are leading the future of design. Some of the previous winners are already shaping the world in which we live. Some examples include: André Fu (AFSO), Barrie Ho (BARRIE HO Architecture), Ma Yansong (MAD Architects), Aric Chen (M+), Joyce Wang (Joyce Wang Studio), Bryant Lu (Ronald Lu & Partners) and Bjarke Ingels (BIG), to name just a few.

2018.05 获奖新闻

MMA合伙人Ruizhao ZHANG受邀参加位于湾仔会展中心的西九龙颁奖仪式 | Partner of MMA invited to the award ceremony hold by WKCDA

MMA合伙人Ruizhao Zhang设计的西九龙“无限舞台”获得西九龙艺术区管委会组织的建筑竞赛优胜奖,颁奖仪式在湾仔会展中心举行,香港财务司司长唐英年和西九龙艺术区管委会主席Michael Lynch为其颁奖 | Partner of MMA Ruizhao ZHANG with the design of "Infinity Platform"received the award from Chairman of the West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD) Authority Board, Henry Tang Ying-yen, and the newly appointed Chief Executive Officer, Michael Lynch.

2018.03 获奖新闻

MMA合伙人Ruizhao ZHANG设计的“无限舞台”方案受邀参加位于香港理工大学的展览 | Partner of MMA invited to the exhibition of WKCDA in PolyU

MMA合伙人Ruizhao Zhang设计的西九龙“无限舞台”获得西九龙艺术区管委会组织的建筑竞赛优胜奖,设计展览在香港理工大学展出 | Partner of MMA Ruizhao ZHANG with the design of "Infinity Platform"received the award and the exhibition is in Hong Kong Poly University.


2018.01 展览新闻

MMA合伙人团队获得马德里数字艺术馆竞赛特别提名奖 | Partner of MMA awarded HONORABLE MENTION on Madrid Digital Art Museum Competition

MMA合伙人团队参加的马德里数字艺术博物馆项目获得特别提名奖项,ARCHELLO等设计网站转载了相关设计方案 | The team with partner of MMA won the Honorable mention award, the design was published on Archello and many other design website.

方案详见项目介绍:MADRID Digital Arts Museum

2015.05 获奖新闻

MMA合伙人文章登上AT建筑技艺杂志 | Anarticle of the partner of MMA is on AT magazine

AT建筑技艺杂志刊登MMA合伙人文章《参数化设计与建造》- 中国建筑设计研究院 | AT Architectural Magazine publishes MMA partner article "Parametric Design and Construction"-China Architectural Design & Research Institute

2014.04 出版新闻

MMA合伙人学术论文入选清华大学出版《“数字渗透”与“参数化主义”》 | Anarticle of the partner of MMA is 《Digital infiltration & Parametricism of the DADA2013 International Conference on Digital Architecture》

由 黄蔚欣 刘延川 徐卫国主编 清华大学出版社出版 | Edited by Weixin HUANG Yanchuan LIU and Weiguo XU published by Tsinghua University

2013.08 出版新闻

MMA合伙人学术论文入选华中科技大学《新建筑》杂志并登上封面 | Anarticle of the partner of MMA Wang Yang selected as cover of 《New Architecture》2012/01

由 华中科技大学出版社出版 | Edited by Huazhong University of Science & Technology

2012.01 出版新闻